Thursday, September 24, 2009

Announcing November 2009 Caregivers' Conference: Called to Care Delaware~ Integrating Faith in Caregiving

Attention Bereavement Coordinators, Doctors, Facility Chaplains, Health Care Facility Medical and Office Staff, Faith Community Nurses, Hospice Chaplains, Hospital Chaplains, Pastors, Program Directors, Psychologists, School Nurses, Staff Nurses, Stephen’s Ministers, and Social Workers:

We are excited to tell you about a conference that will be offered Saturday, November 14, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to commemorate National Caregivers’ Month. It is entitled “Called to Care Delaware: Integrating Faith in Caregiving,” and is supported by the Delaware Regional Health Ministries Network.

The conference will feature two prominent National Speakers and authors- Verna Benner Carson, R.N., M.S.N., author of Spiritual Caregiving; and Rev. Michael Barry, MDiv, PhD, author of The Art of Caregiving.

The conference is designed to encourage and empower those on the “front lines of ministry” and will be of benefit to professionals in both medicine and ministry who see the value of the integration of faith and health in their practices, and who desire to promote wholistic wellbeing in their communities of influence.

Attendees can expect to take away from the event these values:

* Renewed call to care…
* Recognition of occupation as ministry…
* Realization that the workplace is a mission field…

And will leave the conference with an enhanced ability to:

* Respond therapeutically to those in their care…
* Represent a spiritual role-model to others…
* Remember that it is Him for whom we care.

The event will be held at Eastpoint Community Church Newark, DE

For more information: Contact

Grace and Peace~
Tracy Dickerson, RN, BSN, FCN
Co-Chair, Event Planning Team